Nail fungus: you know, treatment, and sick again

Nail fungus — this ugly and painful. You apply the important therapeutic value of folk remedies and infection.

To understand how this fungus

Symptoms of onychomycosis may be questionable:

  1. Discoloration, nail. To begin with, a little stains, nail illuminates or turns yellow. Then darken and even Yesil.
  2. Changing form. The nail is not growing, there is not visible on the plate wave.
  3. An unpleasant feeling, especially the nail on the head.
  4. Fragility. The quotation begins, stamps, becomes brittle. What is visible has changed the structure of the plate.

But the best bass in the diagnosis and lab tests, administer dermatologist: what you need quotation and scratch around and examined under a microscope.


Cork where to buy

Microorganisms living around us, including different mushrooms. They usually does not interfere us. The fall begins in positive terms for him but the fungus quickly multiply.

A perfect place a perfect environment for fungus, hot and humid. For example, tight shoes, in the locker room or gym shower, bath, or relax in the swimming pool.

The nail doctor on the show why

He installed for sure, and mushrooms. Without research, this is not always clear, especially if the infection began to spread.

Maybe the change of injury due to nails, psoriasis or bacterial — then purchased independent of antifungal drugs, anything will not help.

What is the treatment for nail fungus

Now enough no quotation mushrooms fungi even in pharmacies, sold under different names. The skin around the nail and use the treatment more comfortable in the form of medications, ointments, you want to treat the plate — special antifungal drops or nail polishes.

The only difficulty in treating toenail fungus: a few months of drug therapy, six months. Therefore, most importantly, patience and consistency.

The fungus is already very deformed nails, foot health, who is an expert is worth a visit and cannot live is not an obstacle to the infected nail. A shoe swap and a good or at least disinfected interviewed and landscape Care, Nail Care.

In rare cases, remove the nail.

It is worth fungus treatment folk remedies

All the questionable folk remedies pharmacy alternative to antibiotics. Iodine, vinegar, and fruit juices, herbal teas, salt — rain antiseptics, that can destroy the fungus on the surface of the nail, but its not possible to completely lime infection.

It's more dangerous because the most effective tools burn the skin and only aggravate the situation.

Where to buy a drug that is easier and pain special not another tray with the carnage of a composition of the invention. The only plus hot baths, toe — nail have softened a bit, so you have a chance, an antifungal ointment and it will heal as soon as a drop, but better.

A more dangerous fungus untreated

The treatment of fungal infections for a long time, so much to forget or not to use drugs to buy a new packet, when the old is over and completed the treatment.

Nail fungus

Not to stop the fungus that will spread, that will quotation all of the thick and hard yellow and will disintegrate. In this case, may be ill, under the skin and around the nails, it increases the risk of injuries, the bundle of his and nail growth.

If the infection passes through the skin and between the toes, feet and fissures expected of pain.

Nail fungus is not like ...

The fungi most frequently the people who attacked, who can cope with the immune system of infection, for example, is a chronic disease that has weakened his own body. Therefore, diabetes mellitus or psoriasis suffering, especially Health Treatment nail.

  1. Follow hygiene. Hands and feet clean and dry, does not attract fungus. Therefore, washing the feet and shoes, change socks every day (and if you need to, and several times a day), clean and trim your fingernails in the time of the note.
  2. Thoroughly select a fabric with a contact quotes. Cotton socks, gloves and mittens — made from natural ingredients.
  3. Wear slippers and slate, especially the locker rooms and showers.
  4. To wear a second shoe. No sitting all day, the same shoes, which is location on the street, especially in these winter boots: foot sweat.
  5. Don't tell me towel. This personal hygiene products such as toothbrush.
  6. Come manicure and pedicure at home or at the gym, where sufficiently well-functioning tools to catch them that way, it's not just a mushroom, but it's something worse.